The Corporate Alliance to End Partner Violence (CAEPV) is a good resource for employers seeking to address domestic violence in the workplace. Their website includes fact sheets, research on the cost of domestic violence in the workplace, ways to help victims, information on stalking, ways to address perpetrators, policy and practice suggestions, model policies and more.
Telling Amy’s Story is a movie documenting the importance of addressing domestic violence in the workplace.
View Telling Amy’s Story here or schedule a presentation at your place of employment.
DVIS Suggestions:
Employers are encouraged to keep a log of injuries, calls, and other instances related to such violence in the workplace or affecting a domestic violence victim’s ability to work. In some instances, an employer’s record has made the difference in a survivor achieving justice in court against an abusive person.
Talk to your Human Resources Department and your Security and/or Risk Management staff about this issue.
Contact DVIS to learn more about domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence by calling 918.7HELP.ME (918.743.5763) or by e-mailing
For more information, visit Futures Without Violence.