If you are in immediate and physical danger, please call 911.
If you think that you are being stalked, please call 911 or our 24-Hour Information & Crisis Line at (918)-7HELP.ME or (918)-743-5763.
Stalking is a pattern of unwanted harassment or threatening actions that cause a person to feel unsafe or scared. Victims of stalking may feel fearful, threatened, or concerned for themselves and others.
It is more common than many think. According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men have ben stalked at some point in their lives. 10% of women and 2% of men have reported being stalked by an intimate partner.
Stalking has been normalized, minimized, and even romanticized in popular culture. Stalking is a form of psychological violence, and it does escalate into emotional, sexual and/or physical violence – which is why it is a serious crime in every state.
If you are experiencing stalking, it is important to document as many incidents as possible to serve as evidence if you decide to file a protective order. You can keep a stalking incident and behavioral log in order to keep incidents documented.
Stalking tactics may include:
- Tracking your location through digital apps and GPS software
- Following you to and from different places
- Keeping tabs on your daily schedule
- Repeatedly calling/texting your phone (hang-up calls are also included)
- Damaging your belongings (car, home, or other property)
- Monitoring your phone or devices (whether it be through spyware or the device itself)
- Threatening to hurt you, your friends, your family, your pets, or your loved ones
- Driving by or lingering around your home, work, school, or other places that you frequently visit
- Leaving strange or potentially threatening items for the victim to find
- Sending unwanted gifts, letters, messages, etc.
- Impersonating you or another person
Advancements in technology have made it easier to track people. It is common to see stalking start through online platforms.
If you are being stalked, here are some steps that can help you maintain control and safety in your life:
- Call 911 for immediate assistance
- Document every incident through a behavioral log or journal
- Connect with an advocate at DVIS by calling (918)-7HELP.ME or (918)-743-5763
- End all contact with the stalker
- Install a security system or camera on your front door
- Create a safety plan
- Prepare your children for emergencies
- Alert others like friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, etc.
- If you are experiencing online harassment or digital abuse, please visit Tech Safety for more resources on digital safety and privacy.
If you are in immediate and physical danger, please call 911. If you are experiencing stalking, help is available. Please call us at the DVIS 24-Hour Information and Crisis Hotline to find out more. An advocate/trained crisis counselor will be available 24/7 at (918)-7HELP.ME or (918)-743-5763.