If you are in immediate and physical danger, please call 911.
Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS) offers services for all survivors of intimate partner and sexual violence regardless of race, religion, sexuality, immigration status, age, etc.
- Call the 24-Hour DVIS Information & Crisis Line (918)-743-5763 or (918)-7HELP.ME to speak with an advocate. They can help you create a safety plan that prepares you to respond or flee a possible/current crisis situation. Along with this, we can help you find resources specific to your situation.
- Text the DVIS Help Line from 8 PM-1 AM. Text SAFE to 207-777 to speak with an advocate over text. They can help you prepare create a safety plan that will help you in crisis situations.
Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor. Examples of human trafficking include forced commercial sex, domestic servitude, forced manual labor, and peddling and begging rings (forced panhandling).
You may be experiencing trafficking if:
- You are being forced/pressured to have sex for money or something of value (like drugs, rent, etc.)
- You are under 18 and engaging in commercial sex
- You are being forced to work or perform services against your will
- You feel pressured by your employer to stay in a job/situation that you want to leave
- You are having important documentation withheld from you
- You are being controlled/closely monitored by a “manager” or pimp
Risk factors of human trafficking include:
- Having unstable living conditions
- Having previously experienced other forms of violence such as sexual abuse and domestic violence
- Living in poverty
- Being addicted to drugs or alcohol
- Experiencing homelessness
- Having a caregiver or family member who has a substance use issue
- Being a runaway or homeless youth
- Being part of the child welfare system
Anybody can be a victim of human trafficking, and anybody can be a trafficker. Traffickers can be a partner, family member, employer, friend, or even just an acquaintance.
Human trafficking recruiters may find victims online or in person. Traffickers lure in victims through false job ads, social media, personal relationships, grooming (promising material goods, a chance to “get rich quick,” and emotional support), and abduction. However, it is more common for traffickers to be family members rather than strangers.
Victims of human trafficking are trapped and controlled through assault, threats, false promises, isolation, shame, and debt. It is vital recognize that victims of human trafficking are not criminals. They are survivors.
If you are in a situation or around an individual that is making you feel uncomfortable, trust your judgement. It is time to plan for your safety, and we believe you.
Call the 24-Hour DVIS Information & Crisis Hotline at (918)-743-5763 for help. You can also call the National Human Trafficking Hotline for help at 1-888-373-7888. If you are ever in immediate danger, please call 911.
For more information, visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline